Friday 15 April 2016

Anglo-Indian Beef Jalfrezi ❤

When I was a child Jalfrezi was one of my favourite dishes. I loved the way the meat and potatoes were fried up. A roast beef dinner was usually a sign we were going to have jalfrezi the next day as this dish was originally created in order to use up the left over roast...  It has Anglo Indian roots, believed to have first been cooked in Calcutta and was a favourite among the British living in India, a dish created to be less spicy than traditional curries and using up leftover meat, although we do sometimes cook this from scratch.

My mother still cooks this for us and we always eat it with rice, dhal, fried red chilies, salad and pepper water. Alternatively if you don't like rice you can have it with chapatis, wraps or even quinoa (my husband loves it in wraps). Pepper water is made from spices and tamarind. It is used as an accompaniment for drier dishes and can be made very hot and spicy!

Monday 29 February 2016

Baby food - Pish Pash Recipe ❤

A friend asked me the other day about food for babies. She was bored of feeding her little one the usual bought baby food and wanted to explore the world of cooking for munchkins. When I was a child my mother gave me something we call Pish Pash. It was one of my most favourite meals and to this day we still swear by it. It is an old Anglo-Indian recipe from a long time ago. She even made it for me a couple of years ago when I had jaw surgery and was on a soft food diet... I wanted to share something different with you so here is the recipe below...

Eggless Almond Cake Recipe ❤

I have been asked on numerous occasions for cake recipes that have no eggs in them for either religious or allergy reason. Here is my first eggless cake recipe. It is a lighter cake and comes out pretty springy (for me anyway!)