Wednesday 18 November 2015

Our week on Palm Island ❤

This is the last part of my trilogy of posts about our trip to Palm Island in the Grenadines. We arrived on the Saturday but the whole day was spent travelling so apart from having a few cocktails and a dinner of fresh fish we had an early night in preparation for the next day.....

Sunday on Palm Island

After the most wonderful sleep we woke early at 4am to the sound of the sea. I made some coffee and tea for us and we just relaxed for a while. I was looking forward to breakfast which started at 7:30 each morning.... Breakfast consisted of fresh pineapple pancakes, the coconut baked special of the day and cinnamon toast which became a regular favourite of mine. This was followed by a fresh omelette with a choice of fillings. 

After breakfast the weather became quite stormy so we retreated to our room where we watched the storm. We waited patiently for it to finish which eventually it did so off we went for our ride around the island. We explored down by the pool and then the other beaches (there are 5 in total). These were not the best for swimming as the sea is pretty rough around there. We really liked the different relaxation points with hammocks to have a little nap - so peaceful and practically deserted. 

After our bike ride we decided to plan our week and pick the tours we wanted to go on. Off to reception we went. We were advised to go to Union Island on the Tuesday and the private hire Pink Lady tour on Thursday. We also checked in at this time completing all our admin work! 

The rest of Sunday was spent relaxing and walking around, we played cards and sat on our terrace. There was no swimming as the weather remained a little overcast so we just enjoyed the song of the sea, We had dinner in the main restaurant that night which was lovely, beef steak and dauphinoise potatoes, Entertainment that night was live music which went on until around 10:30pm. This was usually the same every night which we really enjoyed. 

Monday on Palm Island

Sunshine! The sun had finally come to our calling and was up bright and early. This day we decided to..... BASQUE IN THE SUN! Our first time swimming here and it was amazing. The water was full of cute fish and it was ever so warm. The main beach is so calm that even beginner swimmers can float along with nothing to worry about. We played by the sea pretty much all day. The hobie cats are easy to use and fun to sail around so we found ourselves on these twice. The sun is strong so make sure you take sunscreen. 

Heehee look what I found!

Tuesday on Palm Island

Union Island here we come... We were really excited about doing some shopping, eating some local food and just seeing life on Union in general. We were told it was Independence day on Union Island so there would be lots to see being a happy occasion. 

After our short boat ride we arrived on Union... Everything was oh so quiet. It seemed that being a national holiday everywhere was shut. Most shops and businesses had closed up and even locals seemed to be hiding (I hope it was not our arrival that made everyone run!!!) After a short walk around we came across some locals who were enjoying the sun and much alcohol. They offered us a tour of the island in a golf buggy so after a little haggling we ended up paying $50 for a 'tour'. We did not realise the driver was pretty drunk until we were half way through our tour. There were a few sights to see but not as much as we had anticipated. Some really beautiful bays but not much else. When we reviewed our photos we found we had many pictures of goats! 

Our tour guide on Union Island - a bit worse for wear might I add...

We ended up being dropped at Sparrows for a spot of lunch. We both ordered the grilled prawns which were not as great as we hoped and did not eat much of it but the scenery really made up for that. At Sparrows you can use the beach and all the facilities. If we had known more about Sparrows we would have come to spend the day here...

After lunch we were kindly dropped back by the manager of sparrows to the dock. We then had to wait almost 3 hours for our water taxi to return. Unfortunately he did not and we had to get a ride with one of the locals which we were not very happy with. My husband was not too happy with this so went to reception and complained about not being picked up. After our long and almost wasted trip we then decided to relax for the rest of our day. Because we were still hungry we then went and had some more lunch which for me was the goat curry roti, I was really looking forward to this but it wasnt as tasty as I thought it would be and a not warmed up properly. In my opinion it was nice seeing Union but there is not much to do. We would have liked to have shopped a little more but unless you want some of the usual souvenirs there is not much else to buy apart from groceries (not even my seasoning peppers which I was searching for!!!) Would I go back to Union - No but I am glad to have seen it once in my life. I think the hotel staff should have known there would be nothing to do on Union Island. I am still not sure why they sent us over there.

That night we were so lucky to have seen some newly hatched turtles. I think this may have to be the highlight of the trip as I really wanted to see them. We got to help put them into the sea which was absolutely amazing.... 

Wednesday & Thursday on Palm Island

The beginning of me not being well. I woke up feeling really dizzy and very nauseous all day. I'm not sure if it was from the roti I ate at the hotel but I decided to stay by the pool in the shade and read my book just in case....zzzz

The hotel staff were great - they brought me fresh ginger tea and kept me hydrated all day. My husband decided to occupy his time with some water sports so that I could relax and get better. I had all the iguanas to keep me company (they are literally everywhere but don't be scared they are harmless!) 

This night we were moved to the Sea Feather villa. After settling in and sending my hubby off to the cocktail reception I was truly ill so the rest of our night was spent at Doc Chevailler's home! What a lovely couple they are and what a lovely house they have on the island. I was so lucky there was a doctor on the island as I was extremely sick and am still thankful for his help. The next morning I woke up alive but still not well so sadly we had to miss our pink lady boat trip (I was devastated). Being in the villa was a bit of a bonus as we had the living room to relax in. I stayed in the whole day as I was determined to be well for our last day on Palm island and my hubby kept asking me if I would be well enough (I had a feeling he had a surprise for me).

Friday on Palm Island

Our last official day of holiday and I was determined to make the most of it, although still pretty rough I manned up and tried to be better. We woke up early and visited Godwin at the greenhouse. Godwin has worked on the island for over twenty years and had so many stories to tell. He gave me some clippings of his herbs, salad and chilies. After showing us the baby tortoises it was time to say bye bye. If you get a chance to visit Palm Island please do make sure you go and see Godwin as he really is the soul of the island. 

After our breakfast (mine being dry toast as I still could not keep anything down)  we decided to spend the day on the hobie cat and see-through kayaks. They were amazing as you can see right down to the bottom. This was how we spent the day. We went for a drive around the island one last time and had a nap in our favourite spot, spoke to the staff who we would not see the next day and took in our last afternoon at Palm. 
Notice I don't have a paddle :D

Evening had finally come and I was told to dress up for dinner... :) When we arrived at the restaurant we went straight through. I was led to my husband's cute surprise... He had arranged for us to have our dinner in the pavillion. It was done up with fairy lights and candles. Such a gorgeous surprise. We were served by Anthony one of the cutest staff at Palm Island. He was really attentive and is the most happy person I have ever met. We were brought champagne with some kind of fruity cordial in it (which I tasted but could not drink, delicious anyhow). Then came my favourite....Lobster... It was succulent and sweet. Even though I could not eat it properly, the atmosphere was lovely. We dined right by the sea with the stars above us. It was romantic and will remain a sweet memory for me.

Saturday - time to fly home

A long day we had ahead of us. Our flight to Barbados from Union Island was at 9:45am but our flight from Barbados to London was scheduled for 17:50. Shock shock horror! If I had been well it would not have been so bad but still having nausea and dizziness made it even longer. I could not book an earlier flight to London so had to just go with this one but it was a really long journey.

When we arrived to Barbados we were not allowed to check in early so had to wait it out at the airport. We chose to sit at a coffee shop and watch airport life.We played cards, chatted and read as this would be the last of our time together before work and everyday life got in our way. The hours passed quickly and it was time to go through to departures. So came the time to board our plane and say 'au revoir' to our beautiful Caribbean. Until our next trip we will miss you!!!!!!

Palm Island was one of the most different holidays I have been on. Apart from being sick which has not ever happened before it was stunning. If you love exploring and moving around it is not for you. If you want somewhere to escape everyday life then this is your place. Beautiful, serene, intimate and peaceful it offers you a real chance to wind down. On the whole we enjoyed our stay, it was disappointing that we had to stay in the hotel due to me being sick. Different to our holiday last year at Palm's sister resort Galley Bay in Antigua which we absolutely loved, this offered us what we really needed this year which was privacy, time together as a couple, sunshine, sea and island life....❤❤

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